




Pula je gradić s bogatom poviješću. Topla mediteranska klima, tradicionalna hrana, čisto more, arheološke znamenitosti, razlog su brojnim posjetama tijekom sezone, zimi je posve druga priča, grad kao da utone u san.
Upravo ta transformacija čiji sam svjedok sav svoj život, budi u meni izazov kao fotografu, a moj je cilj dočarati arhitekturu grada kako u ljetnim užurbanim tako i u samotnim zimskim trenucima.

Pula is a small town with a rich history. The warm Mediterranean climate, traditional food, clear sea, archaeological sights are the reason for numerous visits during the season, in winter it's a completely different story, the city seems to sink into a dream.
This transformation, which I have witnessed all my life, is a challenge for me as a photographer, and my goal is to depict the architecture of the city both in the busy summer and in the lonely winter moments.




Slavoluk Sergijevaca - približni datum izgradnje: 29.–27. pr. Kr


˝Putnik˝ - Trenutak divljenja.




Arch of the Sergii - approximate date of construction: 29–27 BC


˝The passenger˝ - A moment of admiration.

Slavoluk Sergijevaca - približni datum izgradnje: 29.–27. pr. Kr


˝Ljudski kip˝




Arch of the Sergii - approximate date of construction: 29–27 BC


˝Human statue˝

Crkva Gospe od Mora - 1898.



Church of Our Lady of the Sea - 1898.



Brodogradilište Uljanik - od 1856.



Uljanik Shipyard - since 1856.



Augustov hram - Godina gradnje oko 2. pr. Kr. – 14. po. Kr.



Temple of Augustus - Year of construction around 2 BC – 14 AD.



Mletačka utvrda u Puli - Gradnja između 1631. i 1633. godine. - Detalj sa utvrde



Venetian fortress in Pula - Built between 1631 and 1633. - Detail from the fortress




Samostan i crkva sv. Antuna u Puli - sagrađena 1931 - Pogled kroz amfiteatar.



Monastery and Church of St. Anthony in Pula - built in 1931 - View through the amphitheater.




Povijesni centar Pule ili Stari grad Pula - Povijesni centar Pule sadrži tri tisuće godina neprekinutu povijest čovjekova naseljavanja ovog prostora.



The Historic Center of Pula or the Old Town of Pula - The Historic Center of Pula contains three thousand years of uninterrupted history of human settlement of this area.





Slavoluk Sergijevaca - približni datum izgradnje: 29.–27. pr. Kr - Maglovita noć



Arch of the Sergi - approximate date of construction: 29–27 BC - Misty Night




Povijesni centar Pule ili Stari grad Pula - Povijesni centar Pule sadrži tri tisuće godina neprekinutu povijest čovjekova naseljavanja ovog prostora.



The Historic Center of Pula or the Old Town of Pula - The Historic Center of Pula contains three thousand years of uninterrupted history of human settlement of this area.





Pulski filmski festival od 1954 - Otvorenje i vatromet iznad Arene.



Pula Film Festival since 1954 - Opening and fireworks above the Arena.




Amfiteatar u Puli ili pulska Arena - Gradnja Arene se odvijala u nekoliko faza tijekom 1. stoljeća.

˝Koncertna svijetla˝




Amphitheater in Pula or Pula Arena - The construction of the Arena took place in several phases during the 1st century.

˝Concert lights˝




Sad nepostojeći vezovi i skoro nestale drvene barke u pulskoj luci.



Now non-existent moorings and almost disappeared wooden boats in the port of Pula.




Luka Pula od 1850.



Port of Pula since 1850.




Amfiteatar u Puli ili pulska Arena - Gradnja Arene se odvijala u nekoliko faza tijekom 1. stoljeća.




Pula Amphitheater or Pula Arena - The construction of the Arena took place in several phases during the 1st century.





Luka Pula od 1850.



Port of Pula since 1850.




Komunalna palača je sjedište vijeća i poglavarstva Grada Pule. Dovršena je 1296.
˝U prolazu˝



The Communal Palace is the seat of the council and government of the City of Pula. It was completed in 1296.
˝In Passage˝



Samostan i crkva sv. Antuna u Puli - sagrađena 1931.



Monastery and Church of St. Anthony in Pula - built in 1931.




Mornarička zvjezdarnica u Puli najstarija je zvjezdarnica na tlu Hrvatske - 1871.



The Naval Observatory in Pula is the oldest observatory in Croatia - 1871.





Turina Alberto, arhitekt

(Pula, 30.VII.1899 - ?).

 „Kuća doktora" iz 1938-39.




Turina Alberto, architect

(Pula, 30.VII.1899 - ?).

"Doctor's House" from 1938-39.






Pietro Ciscutti 

(Maniago kraj Udina18. veljače 1822. – Pula17. siječnja 1890.),


- Ciscuttijeva ulica



Pietro Ciscutti

(Maniago near Udine, February 18, 1822 – Pula, January 17, 1890),

builder, entrepreneur, benefactor.

- Ciscutti Street