Pula photo walks



Svakodnevno ljudi prolaze kraj ovog kioska, meni je jednostavno bio savršen subjekt jedne zimske maglovite noći. Crvena boja grafita me privukla kao i difuzno svijetlo, cijeli prizor djeluje lagano jezivo, poput napuštenog mjesta i ostavlja strašan dojam samoće.
Kompozicija je jednostavna, centralna, pazio sam da se kiosk i telefonska govornica ne dodiruju i da je separacija među njima dovoljna jer su u tamnom području fotografije i teško ih je razlikovati.
Svijetla gore lijevo kao i sve linije vode ka centru (subjektu) pa je s tim izbor kompozicije bio lakši.



People pass by this kiosk every day, it was just the perfect subject for me on a foggy winter night. The red color of the graffiti attracted me as well as the diffused light, the whole scene seems slightly eerie, like an abandoned place, and leaves a terrible impression of loneliness.
The composition is simple and central, I made sure that the kiosk and the telephone booth do not touch and that the separation between them is sufficient because of the dark area of the photograph, and it isn't easy to distinguish them.
The lights up on the left, like all the lines lead to the center (subject), and thus the composition choice was easier.

Volim simetriju - primjer prvi.



I love symmetry - example one.

Volim simetriju - primjer drugi.



I love symmetry - example two.

Dugo sam razmišljao kako fotografirati ovo sidro.
Uvijek sam našao razlog zašto nisam fotkao do jutros, nisam mogao odoljeti ovoj magli!
Iako je ovoj fotografiji bilo potrebno desetak pokušaja (nisam htio aute i prolaznike u kadru) i više ekspozicija da se uhvati sunčeva svjetlost koja se probija kroz maglu nažalost, nisam zadovoljan i to mi ostaje izazov.
Kompozicija je loša i nisam mogao bolje zbog izvođača radova i metalne ograde na zgradi s desne strane, a to nisam htio u kadru!
Osim toga, sunce je ubrzano jačalo, a magla polako nestajala, što je tu je, više sreće drugi put.



I thought for a long time how to photograph this anchor.
I always found a reason why I didn't take photos until this morning, I couldn't resist this fog!
Although this photo took a dozen attempts (I didn't want cars and passers-by in the frame) and multiple exposures to capture the sunlight breaking through the fog,
unfortunately, I am not satisfied and it remains a challenge for me.
The composition is bad and I couldn't do better because of the contractor and the metal fence on the building on the right, and I didn't want that in the frame!
In addition, the sun was rapidly getting stronger, and the fog was slowly disappearing, it is what it is, better luck next time.

Interes da fotografiram ovu zgradu svakim danom je sve veći, samim time što nailazim na veliki problem oko točne kompozicije.
Svakako je ovo ljetno sunce u kasnije popodne pravo vrijeme i sviđaju mi se bijeli metalni dijelovi u kontrastu na plavo nebo.
Koristio sam cirkularni polarizator da naglasim plavu boju neba.



The interest in photographing this building is growing every day, just because I encounter a big problem with the correct composition.
Certainly this summer sun in the later afternoon is the right time and I like the white metal parts in contrast to the blue sky.
I used a circular polarizer to accentuate the blue color of the sky.

Svakodnevno prolazim s gornje strane crkve i moram priznati da mi je trebalo vremena da primjetim poravnanje zvonika sa crvenim vratima garaže, kompozicijski nisam mogao bolje, zvonik nije u strogom centru kadra iako mi to manje smeta od trave i bijele linije uz sam donji desni kut fotografije.



Every day I pass from the upper side of the church and I have to admit that it took me a while to notice the alignment of the bell tower with the red garage door, compositionally I couldn't do better, the bell tower is not in the strict center of the frame, although it bothers me less than the grass and the white line at the very bottom right corner of the photo.

Vrijeme kao da je stalo na pulskom željezničkom kolodvoru.


Time seems to stand still at the Pula railway station.

Lijep dan i prazan bar na željezničkom kolodvoru Pula.



A nice day and an empty bar at the Pula railway station.

Studija crkve sv. Josipa u Puli



Study of the Church of St. Josip in Pula

Zbilja je teško u ovim vrućim ljetnim danima hodati i tražiti nekakav detalj, zgodnu kompoziciju bilo što da vrijedi fotografirati ali mislim da sam imao sreće s ova dva prozora, osim simetrije i svijetla koje ne radi nikakve sjene, mislim da sam uhvatio dašak mira i nekih drugih starih vremena u gradu koji je trenutno u svom sezonskom vrhuncu.



It's really hard in these hot summer days to walk and look for some kind of detail, a nice composition, anything worth photographing, but I think I was lucky with these two windows, apart from the symmetry and the light that doesn't create any shadows, I think I caught a breath of peace and some of other old times in a city that is currently in its seasonal peak.

Zbog izrazito toplih dana povukao sam se unutra, vratio sam se svojoj dokumentarnoj seriji ˝Human absence˝, obišao nekoliko napuštenih prostora i gotovo sve zabilježio. Prostor je ogroman, kako sam išao prema vrhu, postalo je nepodnošljivo ne samo zbog temperature, nego zbog smeća, vlage i u kombinaciji svega, bilo je izrazito teško napraviti dobru fotografiju. Inače radim tako da ne diram ništa, sve poslije mene ostaje isto kao da nisam ni bio tamo. Više uskoro u galeriji ˝human absence 3˝.



Because of the extremely warm days, I retreated inside, returned to my documentary series ˝Human absence˝, visited several abandoned spaces and recorded almost everything. The space is huge, as I was going towards the top, it became unbearable not only because of the temperature, but also because of the garbage, the humidity and the combination of everything, it was extremely difficult to take a good photo. Otherwise, I work so that I don't touch anything, everything after me remains the same as if I wasn't even there. More soon in the ˝human absence 3˝ gallery.